Monday, May 18, 2009

Lankans took to the streets to celebrate victory over the "Tamil Tigers".

Thousands of residents of Sri Lanka took to the streets to celebrate victory over the Tamil separatists, without waiting for TV air of President Mahinda Rajapakse, said The Guardian.
Rajapakse is planning to declare victory over the Tamils, on Tuesday, at the conclusion of military operations in the north of the country that began in January 2009.
Meanwhile, the leaders of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam urge the Government to the peace negotiations. While the authorities have reported that in the impassable jungles in the north is not more than one hundred Tamil Tiger, retention area is less than one square kilometer, the separatist leader Velupillai Prabhakaran said that he remained two thousand soldiers, ready to lay down weapons in taking the peace initiative. Reported AFP.
       Minister of Foreign Affairs of the non-Tamil state of Tamil Eelam Selvarasa Patmanatan states of the great losses among the militiamen. In a telephone interview with British channel 4 Patmanatan said that people "tigers" every hour to lose more than a hundred people. "Since yesterday killed more than 3000 people, 25 thousand people were wounded," - said the Minister. It is noted that with the territory held by the separatists, is continuing flow of refugees.
According to Patmanatana, leader of the Tamil Tigers have already conveyed its proposal to the world the Sri Lankan Government and the international observers.
Militants from the group, the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, engaged in a war for an independent Tamil state since 1972. During the years of war with Sri Lanka killed tens of thousands of people, most successful "Tiger" reached in 1999, when under the control turned around third of the country.
In the struggle for the independence of the organization said attacks on civilians, the use of suicide bombings and terror of peaceful population. Now, the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam declared a terrorist organization in 30 countries around the world.
In turn, The Guardian noted, with reference to the UN figures that since the end of January 2009 in the area of hostilities in Sri Lanka killed nearly 7000 of thousands of innocent Tamils.

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