Monday, May 11, 2009

Merkel and Sarkozy, warned against the infinite expansion of the EU.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy on Sunday again opposed the enlargement of the EU, in particular by Turkey, the transfer agency DPA.
Addressing the activists of the youth branch of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) in Berlin, Merkel said that there was no point in continuously expand the EU, if such growth will not allow Union to function normally. In her opinion, Turkey should be offered a privileged partnership with the European Union, but not full membership in the alliance.
In turn, Sarkozy told the newspaper Bild am Sonntag, that "we need a well-organized Europe." "This means that we can not grow infinitely. We should not make empty promises of Turkey", - explained the French leader.
As an alternative to Sarkozy, Turkey proposed the establishment of a unified economic zone. He added that this approach may facilitate the convergence of the European Union and Russia.
Remember, Turkey began negotiations to join the EU in 2005, despite objections from Germany and France. Nevertheless, none of these countries have blocked the start of negotiations.

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