Monday, May 11, 2009

The Russian tanker escaped from the Somali pirates.

SyuzhetyVoennaya operation against Somali piratov04.05.2009Frantsuzsky special prisoner accused of murder of Somali piratovRossiysky tanker NA Spirit "on Sunday, May 10, escaped from persecution by the Somali pirates, according to the site of OJSC" Novorossiysk sea Shipping Company - owner of the vessel.
Pirates have begun to haunt the tanker in the Gulf of Aden at 13:00 Moscow time. According to the Captain "NA Spiritu", the crew noticed the boat in time with the armed men, and gave the ship fired two warning pirotehniki.Krome was also established with a large anti-submarine ships Pacific Fleet Admiral Panteleev "carrying on duty off the coast of Somalia. On the side of the ship was raised in the air a helicopter. Then the pirates stopped the persecution. "NA Spirit" continued the way to the port of the Persian Gulf, accompanied by Admiral Panteleeva. On board the tanker were 22 crew members, all of them citizens of Russia. The ship is flying the flag of Liberia, and carries 36 tons benzina.V the end of April, another tanker of the same company - "NA Commander" - was able to evade prosecution of pirates.
"Admiral Panteleev is located off the coast of Somalia on 27 April. May 4, he began to escort civilian vessels in the Gulf of Aden. Navy Russia take part in an international mission to fight pirates in September 2008. Earlier in the territorial waters of Somalia were storozhevik the Baltic Fleet "fearless" and a large anti-ship of the Pacific Fleet "Admiral Vinogradov".

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