Thursday, May 7, 2009

NATO withdrawal of accreditation of Russian diplomats send from Belgium.

Continuing: Russia has prepared a response to the expulsion of diplomats from Brussels
KommentariiUdar oslepshego nosoroga30.04.2009NATO has expelled two Russian diplomats after spy revelations in EstoniiMinisterstvo of Foreign Affairs of Belgium announced its intention to expel from the country's two employees postpredstva Russia to NATO, which had previously been denied accreditation NATO, RIA News. Scandal erupted around the Russian diplomats April 30: NATO has stated that lack of accreditation of diplomats working for the exploration of the Russian Federation.
As the representative of the Belgian Ministry of Delphine Kollar, the Russian delegation informed that the accreditation of diplomats at NATO headquarters is no longer valid. Two Russians were no longer perform diplomatic functions, hence they are deprived of their documents, enabling them to remain in Belgium. Kollar said that the Russians must leave the country soon.
Earlier it was reported that one of the diplomats, the withdrawal of accreditation, is the son of Russia's permanent representatives in the EU, Vladimir Chizhov. Ministry of Foreign Affairs described the expulsion of diplomats of gross provocation, which "is fundamentally contrary to statements made by NATO's readiness to normalize relations with Russia."
NATO suspend relations with Russia after the war in South Ossetia, but in March 2009 announced the resumption of contacts. In late April, a meeting of Russia - NATO's first since August 2008 goda.Izdanie The Financial Times, first reported on the withdrawal of accreditation of Russian diplomats, wrote that NATO's decision related to the spy scandal which broke out in Estonia. In September 2008 the authorities announced that a former officer of the Ministry of Defense Herman Simma spied for Russia. Simma himself subsequently admitted, in collaboration with the KGB and the SVR (Foreign Intelligence Service) of Russia, he was sentenced to 12 ½ years in prison.

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