Saturday, May 9, 2009

New killer policeman found dead.

New Zealand Police announced that zasevshy at his home 51-year-old Ian Molenar (Jan Molenaar) found dead in his bedroom, sends New Zealand Herald. Police official communication was made around noon on May 9, local time (4 am, Moscow).
As the NewstalkZB, the cause of death Molenara the police did not name, stating only that the body was found in one of the rooms at home that are not visible from the street.
The siege at home Molenara located in a small town Neper, lasted more than two days. The police was forced to begin operation after the owner of the house fell upon coming to him with the intent to conduct a search of police officers shot and killed one and injured two more.
During the operation, police had to use armored vehicles: according to some sources, in the house of Molenara kept an arsenal of weapons. Only by armored police was able to pick up the body of murdered colleagues from the criminal court house.
Possible motives for Molenarom nothing reported. According to the testimony of his friends, a man previously served in the armed forces and was loose on weapons.

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