Friday, May 15, 2009

Pakistan demanded the United States to send him bespilotniki.

President of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari said that the U.S. must pay the property of his unmanned aircraft that regularly strike on militant positions in the country. On this evening, on Wednesday reported AFP.
Reactions from the American side to the demand of Ali Zardari has not yet been received. Earlier, Pakistani authorities have made similar statements. At the end of February 2009 the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Shah Mahmood Qureshi said that if the United States will hand over their bespilotniki to the Pakistan, the fight against the Taliban will become more efficient.
According to Qureshi, the missiles, which the U.S. Air Force fighters are fighting the Taliban, settled in the border areas of Pakistan, destroying not only the extremists - the victims of air becomes civilians. The Minister expressed his hope that U.S. President Barack Obama would consider the proposal of the Pakistani side and all of it with great understanding, than it could have done his predecessor George Bush.
Nevertheless, U.S. officials have repeatedly stated that it was not going to stop the fight against extremists in Pakistan. According to the American side, the local leadership is unable to cope with the terrorists themselves.
The last air on the territory of Pakistan has suffered on May 12. The bombardment produced with unmanned aircraft killed at least eight people. According to the agency, all the dead were militants.

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