Friday, May 15, 2009

At the border between China and Russia was leaked a toxic gas.

On Thursday it became known that on 23 April, a chemical company, located in the neighboring province of Jilin to Russia, was leaked a toxic gas. As a result of the incident hospitalized 160 local residents, thousands applied for medical assistance, said on Friday, May 15, RIA Novosti.
Commenting on the incident, the Ministry of Natural Resources of Khabarovsk Krai said that it did not consider the leakage of dangerous for the region. "First, this happened about 20 days ago, and secondly, the town where it happened, is relatively far away from us," - he said the agency.
In addition, the official said, given the agreement between China and Russia to notify each other of dangerous technological accidents, the absence of a message from Beijing, spoke in favor of the fact that the accident was not a serious threat.
In 2005, as a result of a major accident in the province of Jilin in Chinese river Sungari got about 100 tons of toxic substances that have reached the Amur River, and dissolved in the Amur estuary.

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