Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Proponents of "Tamil Tigers" climbed onto the roof of Westminster Abbey.

Press konferentsiiBoris Volhonskiy29.04.2009Chem the battle between the Sri Lankan authorities and the separatists? KommentariiLvy and Tigry23.04.2009Lankiyskaya Army and Tamil separatists are preparing for the last srazheniyuChetyrem participating shares in support of the Tamil separatists, which extends into central London for five weeks, was able to get the night quietly on the roof of Westminster abbastva. In the morning, they unfurled a banner calling for stopping the genocide of Tamils in Sri Lanka, the London Evening Standard.
With the days to 250 protesters who had spent the night on the streets, joined hundreds of supporters. They blocked traffic in the heart of the British capital. As a result of clashes with the police arrested 45 people. Several people, including two policemen were slightly injured.
The protests took extended after reports of shelling the positions of the Tamil "Tigers" by government forces of Sri Lanka on the night of 9 to 10 May. Then, for a variety of data, were killed about 400 civilians, of which about 100 children. UN condemned the shelling and called what happened "massacre." In total, according to the rebels during the latest offensive government army killed about two thousand civilians.
Lankan military denied that the use of artillery against peaceful civilians and accused the "tigers" in exaggerating the losses. Furthermore, they reported that the rebels are using civilians, including women and children as human shields.
Sri Lankan army began a major military operation against the group, the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam in 2008. Currently surviving rebels and their leader, blocked at the coast area of about five square kilometers. Just three years ago, "Tigers" controlled a quarter of the country. The situation is complicated by the fact that in the environment, together with the armed separatists are from 15 to 20 thousand civilians.

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