Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A resident of Oslo, a rifle killed two women.

In a suburb of Oslo, Norwegian slew of old rifles, two women, then shot himself. This May 11, AFP reported with reference to the representative of the local police.
The crime occurred in a residential area west of the Norwegian capital. According to police, two women were killed in the street in front of several witnesses. According to them, fired two bullets into one of them, an unidentified four-shot kill a second victim.
Later, the gunmen was found dead inside a house, near which the murder occurred. Believes the police, the perpetrator committed suicide. His identity is already known, but that law enforcement authorities refused to mention his name.
According to police, the gunman and one of his victims was a novel. What links it with the second victim, as well as what caused the killing, so far remains unknown.

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