Sunday, May 10, 2009

Suspects in the massacre on the Turkish wedding was charged.

SyuzhetyMassovoe murder at a wedding in Turkey has detained eight Turtsii05.05.2009Politsiya podozrevaemyhKommentariiDerevenskaya svadba05.05.2009Vo time festive ceremony in the Turkish village, killed 44 Turkish chelovekaV consequently charged with the murder of 44 people detained eight. AFP reported citing a statement on the unnamed official, quoted the agency Anatolia. The names of the detainees are not disclosed.
The massacre occurred on May 5 during a wedding ceremony in the village of Bilge in the south-east Turkey. Immediately after the incident had been detained eight people, two others managed to delay the hot pursuit, now they are continuing to question the police. The Turkish newspaper Hurriyet reported that the court chose arrest as a preventive measure for the eight detainees.
According to the publication, among those killed - 17 women (three of them pregnant) and six children. We learned that killed groom, bride and their parents. Three people were injured, but they managed to survive.
The representative of the Governor of the province of Mardin said that the cause of what happened was the feud between two clans of the village. Earlier, Interior Minister of Turkey Besir Atalay told the press that the event is not a terrorist act.
Earlier, witnesses told police massacre that armed, masked gunmen stormed a house in the midst of a wedding celebration. They ordered those present to meet in one of the rooms, then began shooting at people. In doing so, the survivors spoke of two or four attackers.

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