Sunday, May 10, 2009

A German court has refused to repeal supporters Nazis deported.

KommentariiZatyazhnoe pravosudie09.04.2009Byvshy Demyanyuk concentration camp guard fighting extradition to GermaniyuAdministrativny Berlin court rejected an appeal by John Demyanyuka suspected of collaborating with the Nazis, reports Bloomberg. With the help of a complaint to the court 89-year-old Demyanyuk tried to prevent his expulsion from the United States to Germany, where he was suspected of collaborating with some 29 thousand Jews of killing the captives.
Demyanyuk asked the court to compel the German Government to abandon a declaration of readiness to host extradited. However, the court noted that the United States can send to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic was born, and without the consent of Berlin. German lawyer Demyanyuka stated that the appeal court decision.
German investigators believe that Demyanyuk worked as a guard in the Sobibor concentration camp, located on the territory of Poland. The court in Munich issued a warrant for the arrest Demyanyuka, since Germany is negotiating with the United States to expel former Nazis accomplice. Deportation Demyanyuka has been postponed several times: His lawyers argue that the 89-year-old former auto mechanic too sick and unable to move the flights.
In April, the court asked the U.S. Department of Justice documents on the health Demyanyuka. After reviewing them, the court found Demyanyuka quite healthy for deportation to Germany. AP reports that on Wednesday, 6 May, a former concentration camp guard appealed to the Supreme Court of the United States.
Demyanyuk moved to America in 1952. He was replaced by the name of Ivan John, and in 1958 received citizenship (later stripped of his citizenship). In 1986, his on suspicion of collaboration with the Nazis were sent to Israel where he was sentenced to death in 1993, the Court found fault Demyanyuka unproven and set aside the verdict.

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