Monday, May 11, 2009

UN put Israel at the expense of 11 million dollars.

The Government of Israel claims the UN is examining the material, which required to pay damages totaling 11 million U.S. dollars, caused by the organization during the Israeli military operation "Cast lead" in the Gaza Strip. That was reported by Reuters on Thursday, 7 May.
After meeting with the speech UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, Israeli President Shimon Peres told the press that the Government had taken to address the UN claims. According to the President, a special government commission which will try to resolve the issue of compensation in the near future.
Tuesday, May 5, the UN Special Commission investigating Israeli air civilian targets in Gaza in January 2009, published a report, which indicates that the greatest damage to property caused the UN is not Hamas militants, and the actions of IDF.
The Board found that during the time of the "molten lead" attacks suffered nine of the UN in Gaza. January 6, 2009 as a result of shelling by Israeli tanks of the school of Al-Fahora "administered by the Organization to promote the refugees to the United Nations (UNRWA) were killed over 40 people. Also during the Israeli operations were the warehouses of food and medicines. UN humanitarian distribute this among the Palestinians.
Without disputing the validity of the material claims, the UN, Peres is still said that he was not satisfied with the overall tone of the report of the UN. The report, in particular, the IDF command charged with criminal negligence and recklessness, which resulted in heavy casualties among the civilian population. Also, the report recommended Israel to "apologize" for the conduct of hostilities in Gaza. According to Perez, the commission exceeded its mandate and its appreciation for the entire course of military operations in Gaza, and not only caused damage to the UN. "It's disgusting," - said Perez.

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