Friday, May 15, 2009

Venezuelan school committed to read Marx and Chavez.

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez approved a "national revolutionary plan reading," said La Gaceta Tucuman. Chavez said that the reading as a way to change the consciousness of the reader, and that literature is an art only when served combat social inequality.
Reading books that are included in the approved list, will be necessary to examine in Venezuelan schools. In particular, students need to read the work of "Venezuelan socialism and the party", written by Finance Minister Ali Rodriguez, as well as work under the title "Why I chavist?".
In addition, the list includes a collection of speeches of Chavez Works Ernesto Che Guevara and his biography, "Manifesto of the Communist Party Karl Marx and a book entitled" The Theory of Ideology "and" Code of Chavez. "
The President of the country and saw that the reading tastes develop and entertain the Venezuelan school children. For these purposes have been included in the list of love letters that Venezuela's national hero, a fighter for the liberation of Spanish colonies in South America, Simon Bolivar wrote his lover Manuela Saens.
In January the media reported that the Venezuelan president has become a columnist of several newspapers. "Lines of Chavez" - the so-called columns - should become another weapon in the ideological war.

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