Monday, January 26, 2009

The European Union tightened sanctions against Zimbabwe.

SyuzhetyPoliticheskoe opposition in Zimbabve29.12.2008Morganu Tsvangirai issued a passport meeting of the foreign ministers of European Union decided to expand by another 60 people a list of persons close to the regime of President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, who are prohibited from entering the EU member-countries . The number of companies whose assets in the EU should be frozen, increased to 40, reported AFP.
The total number of Zimbabwean officials and their families, have no right of entry to the EU reached 200. Authorities suspect figurantov EU list of gross violations of human rights and the use of violence against political opponents and ordinary citizens.
Previously, it was reported that the European Union called on Robert Mugabe to stop persecuting the democratic opposition and to resign.
Condemnation of the West led to attempts by the ruling Zimbabwe since 1980, President Mugabe to remain in power, accompanied by numerous violations of human rights and political freedoms of citizens. The results of the past in the country in March 2008, simultaneous parliamentary and presidential elections shall not make public a long time, resulting in accusations of fraud.
According to the official announcement of the results, the opposition won the parliamentary elections, but none of the candidates for president has not received the required number of votes. The second round of voting was appointed in June 2008.
As a result, pursued the opposition, its leader Morgan Tsvangirai has called the upcoming elections a farce and withdrew his candidacy. On the sole basis of June 27, Mugabe won. The vote was not recognized as the leading countries of the international community - the United States, Britain, France and others.
Talks between Mugabe and the opposition on the appointment of the Prime Minister, which lasted several weeks, have not led to a result and were deadlocked.

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