Monday, January 26, 2009

Past rehabilitation Guantanamo prisoners rearrested.

KommentariiOkovy serious padut15.01.2009Uzniki camp at Guantanamo Bay aspire Barak ObamuV Saudi arrested nine Islamist militants, including several people who have received rehabilitation after his release from prison on Guantanamo Bay.
It says The Times, one of those arrested, Ali al-Shihri (Ali al-Shihri) is suspected in the attack on the U.S. Embassy in Sana'a, committed in September 2008. Moreover, after his release from prison, he led a branch of al-Qaida in Yemen, and said one of islamistkih sites, which reinforced the conclusion of the principles for which he started a jihad.
Al-Shihri, along with other arrested militant was involved in the pilot program for the rehabilitation of suspected terrorists. Under the program, he gave lectures on Muslim law, which refers to the inadmissibility of violence.
They are also a team of psychologists, which taught fighters manage their emotions. In addition, they were allowed to use the swimming pool, play table tennis, football and PlayStation.
According to the authorities of Saudi Arabia, none of the militants who have received rehabilitation, did not return to terrorist activities. Meanwhile, the U.S. insisted that dozens of people released from Guantanamo, renewed fighting.
It was reported that immediately after the inauguration of U.S. President Barack Obama, signed a decree to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay.

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