Saturday, January 31, 2009

In Zimbabwe, the soldiers have limited the issuance of weapons.

Guide Army Zimbabwe introduced tough restrictions on the issuance of weapons of junior military ranks and the soldiers, the local agency ZimOnline with reference to a senior officer of the armed forces of the country. The restrictions relate to the fear that the armed military, unhappy with the difficult economic situation may raise revolt against their superiors or to arrange robbery.
As the interviewee, all the soldiers, which is issued for the arms and ammunition to carry out management tasks, undergo a thorough examination. Commanders were also ordered to ensure that groups of armed soldiers, a long time is far away from the territory of military units. In such a situation, according to the military, the soldiers could make a conspiracy and rioting.
Some of the soldiers, as reported by a source sympathetic to the opposition and have a connection with it, which also raises concerns superiors. The situation is further complicated by the fact that, unlike the high-ranking military officers, pay of junior officers is low, which equalizes their situation with other Public Employment.
The first restrictions on the issuance of weapons to the army zibmabviyskoy was introduced in December, when the military organized a group of armed robberies in the capital, Harare, demanding that their allowance was granted in foreign currency.
In recent years, also reported acts of disobedience. A few weeks ago, soldiers began to loot shops, shouting that they pay too little to feed. The military took away the traders, farmers and bankers, not only money, but even food and clothing. Some of them deserted to neighboring countries, where there is an opportunity to earn more as a guard.
Currently, according to some sources, the armed forces of Zimbabwe is about 35-40 thousand people. They consist of the army and air force, armed by a variety of samples of weapons, including Soviet.

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