Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Polls gave the victory in the elections to the Knesset the right Likud.

SyuzhetyDosrochnye parliamentary elections in Izraile12.01.2009TsIK Israel banned the two Arab parties are running in KnessetKommentariiLitoy piar20.01.2009Predvybornaya struggle in Israel is entering a decisive stadiyuLider right party Likud Binyamin Netanyahu in the lead scheduled for February 10 snap parliamentary elections in the Knesset far ahead of its main rival of "Kadima", Foreign Minister - Tzipi Livni, transfer agency AFP, referring to opinion polls dynnye.

For the Likud and Netanyahu prepared to vote 29 percent of Israelis, while the "Kadima", and Tzipi Livni - only 16 per cent. Defense Minister Ehud Barak, who heads the party levotsentristskuyu "Labor", the main coalition partner, "Kadima" in the government, has the support of 9 percent of respondents.

According to preliminary projections, the Likud would receive 30 mandates in the 120-member Knesset. "Kadima" can count on 22 seats, while the "Labor" - for 17 seats. In general, a coalition of right-wing parties led by Likud might get 65 seats, which will give its participants the opportunity to form a government.

Recall that the decision to hold early elections, it was still in autumn 2008 after as change of Ehud Olmert as chairman of "Kadima", Tzipi Livni, was unable to form a government. At the height of the campaign, Israel conducted an operation in the Gaza Strip, "Cast the lead against the Islamists of Hamas.

The results of operations have been twofold: while HAMASu has suffered serious damage, the Islamists have not been defeated. "Cast lead" consolidated the authority of the ruling "Kadima", but also significantly strengthened the position of right "Lkuda: Many in Israel believe that the operation was completed too early and did not reach the main goal - to overthrow the Hamas government in Gaza.

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