Wednesday, January 28, 2009

In Tibet, arrested 59 people for spreading rumors.

SyuzhetyDemonstratsii against the Chinese occupation Tibeta27.08.2008Dalay Lama renounced the statement that the Chinese military tibettsev59 killed 140 people arrested in Tibet for the dissemination of rumors and attempt to incite ethnic hatred. That was reported by Reuters, referring to the Chinese news agency China News Service, which is controlled by the state.
The detainees are accused of that act under the influence of Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama, who is in exile. Chinese authorities consider him the head of the separatist movement in the region. According to Reuters, police also made a raid on the capital markets of Tibet - Lhasa - in search of "reactionary" songs that are downloaded from the Internet and sold on the market.
In spring 2008, the Lhasa riots occurred, zachinschikami which the authorities called the supporters of splitting Tibet from China. According to official figures, while 18 people were killed, according to unofficial - about 100.

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