Thursday, January 29, 2009

Every fortieth odnofuntovaya a coin in the UK has proved false.

For every forty coins worth one pound sterling in the UK accounts for a fake. This writes The Daily Telegraph, referring to the data for the Royal Mint in 2008. A year earlier, provided only one fake coin fiftieth, and in 2002 - each one hundredth.
Over the past year the number of counterfeit coins odnofuntovyh grew by 27 percent, said The Independent. This is the highest level of counterfeiting since the beginning of circulation of coins in the country, that is, since 1983.
Total Royal Mint in October and November 2008, tested more than 15 thousand odnofuntovyh coins. The greatest number of forgeries was observed in Northern Ireland.
In 2007, the number of counterfeit coins of one pound in the UK reached 30 million units.

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