Friday, January 23, 2009

Pope returns to the fold of the church priest denies the Holocaust.

Pope Benedict XVI intends to reconsider the decision to excommunicate Vilyamsona Richard (Richard Williamson), a bishop is not recognized by the Vatican traditsionalistskogo the Society of Saint Pius X. That was reported by The Times, referring to unconfirmed information, while the Italian press.
Williamson is known for his statements that the Nazis during World War II did not use gas chambers for the extermination of the Jews, and the number of Jews killed in concentration camps greatly exaggerated. Along with Williamson Benedict XVI, according to the press, the decision to repeal the excommunication of three more priests. All of them were weaned off the church after the ordination of bishop of the head in 1988.
  According to observers, Benedict XVI intends to seek reconciliation with traditionalists, but the case of Williamson could complicate relations with the Vatican Jewish organizations and communities. Excommunicate the priest insists that the gas chambers were extremely inconvenient and difficult way to extinction, and their operation was dangerous because of the possible leakage of gas. According to Vilyamsona in Nazi concentration camps were destroyed by 200-300 thousand of Jews, not millions, as is generally assumed.

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