Saturday, May 2, 2009

Australia to spend 70 billion dollars retooling.

Australia intends to spend on rearming its army more than 70 billion dollars over the next 20 years, reported Agence France-Presse, referring to the statement by the Government. In accordance with our long-term strategic plan, "Force-2030, during this period the risk of war in the region will continue.
United States will retain, Australian experts believe, its dominant position in the region, including in the military field. America is a "necessary" ally for Australia, the document says, the course for partnership and military cooperation with it will remain the same.
Among the major threats to the worsening instability in the Asia-Pacific region, called the first military power of China and expanding its geopolitical ambitions. Threat to the security of the country may also provide the Pakistani-Indian relations, the instability in Myanmar, the conflict in Afghanistan and the uncertainty of the situation around North Korea. In addition, the emergence of new hotbeds of instability is predicted due to global financial and economic crisis, which could cause a change of government and the fall of some regimes.
The priorities in the modernization of the Australian armed forces called the doubling of the number of submarines and bring their number to 12, the acquisition of 100 American F-35 fighter jets, the construction of eight surface ships and military equipment of the army with new long-range cruise missiles.
The Agency notes with concern that the plan received in China. They saw the new plan as the efforts of Australia and the United States in opposition to Beijing. The term "Chinese threat" of Chinese authorities believe was incorrect. Earlier, the Chinese leadership has made the Parliament a proposal to increase budget spending on defense in 2009 to 69 billion dollars that is twice as high military spending in 2006.

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