Friday, June 26, 2009

Britons arrested for organizing the unrest in Iran.

KommentariiTegeran in ogne23.06.2009Vlasti driven Iranian opposition in ugolSyuzhetyOppozitsiya to re Ahmadinedzhada23.06.2009Arestovany journalists AhmadinedzhadaVlasti rival Iran announced that several foreigners were arrested, some of them have British passports. According to Tehran, the British arrested were involved in riots or stood outside their organization, said CNN.Ministerstvo British Foreign Secretary stated that verifies information about the arrests of their nationals in Iran. Tehran has previously said that Britain and its state media intend to split the country. He was "the BBC" must leave Iran, the country also sent two diplomats. In response, the two Iranian diplomats expelled from the head of Iranian intelligence Londona.Takzhe stated that certain individuals associated with the West and Israel have planned to commit a series of explosions in Tehran in June strane.24 police again dispersed the group of demonstrators gathered in the square in fro!
nt of Majlis (Parliament). Police used batons and gas, and fired into the air. Witnesses quoted by news agencies, saying that as a result of the police, many people were seriously injured. According to official figures, during the riots killed at least 17 people, but opponents argue that the number of victims of the riots can be mass riots 150.Uchastniki confident that the presidential elections on 12 June, the official winner of which is considered to be the incumbent President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, have been violations. In their view, the victory of "stolen" from another candidate, reformist Mir-Hossein Mousavi. After the outbreak of the riots the Iranian authorities have agreed to convert part of the vote, but then stated that the restatement had no impact on the outcome of the elections official. June 24, one of the losing candidate, former commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Corps Mohsen Rezaie, abandoned claims to the results of the vote. He said that now !
the restoration of calm in the country's political ambitio!

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