Tuesday, June 23, 2009

In France, arrested 25 suspects in the robbery-century. "

The French police detained 25 people suspected of involvement in the robbery of jeweler Harry Winston salon in Paris, reported June 22, Agence France-Presse. Among the detainees, whose ages of 22 to 67 years, the two women.
When the police seized from the arrest of alleged offenders of the stolen jewelry and a large sum of money: in the two caches were found in a total of 1.25 million euros.
The operation was made possible thanks to the fact that the police managed to learn of the arrival in France, buyers of stolen goods, which, according to the investigators intended to sell jewelry stolen from the salon. The circumstances of the detention of suspects and other details are unknown.
Recall robbery salon Harry Winston, located on the Avenue Montaigne, near the Champs Elysees, was December 3, 2008. Robbers - Four men, two of whom were disguised in women - have made nearly all of the boutique products worth about 85 million euros (118 million dollars).
For any information about the robbers insurer Harry Winston - company Lloyd's of London - appointed fee amount 700 thousand euro.

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