Monday, June 29, 2009

In China, by collision of two trains killed three people.

In the Chinese province of Hunan, Sunday, June 28, due to train crash killed three people, another 60 were wounded. The collision of two passenger trains in the provincial capital of Changsha city cars left the rails and destroyed two houses, located near the railway line, the Associated Press.
The incident occurred at about 21:30 Moscow time. The composition, which departed from the city of Changsha Shenchzhen for an unknown reason, has collided with a train arriving from Shenchzhenya. According to preliminary reports, the death of two passengers trains, one more victim lived in the destroyed house.
At the crash site rescue services arrived, the doctors and police. Passenger trains will benefit from iskorezhennyh cars using special equipment. At the site of the collapse of scattered personal belongings of passengers, train seats, part of the shell of cars, which scattered when a strong impact.
Sources in the Ministry of Transportation Agency of China reported that initiated investigation into the causes of the collapse, but declined to elaborate.

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