Friday, June 26, 2009

Former Turkish president judges threatened suicide.

Former Turkish President Kenan Evren (Kenan Evren), stated that rather lay hands on, what would bring to trial on charges of coup d'etat, the Turkish Hurriyet.

In 1980, conditions deteriorated in the political confrontation between the left and right, leading to clashes and casualties, the Turkish army out of the crisis has the power in their hands. Evren, who was then Chief of General Staff, became president and remained in that position until 1989.

When in 1982 it adopted a new operating so far in the Turkish Constitution, which, inter alia, prohibits the prosecution of the organizers of a political coup in 1980.

However, recently it became known that the ruling moderate-conservative Justice and Development Party and the main opposition People's Republican Party have begun negotiations on the amendment abolishing the article.

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