Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Franco denied the honor posthumously.

City Council of Madrid has deprived the dictator Francisco Franco, died in 1975, honorary mayor, and "foster son," the capital of Spain, reports Reuters. In addition, to deal with advisers, Franco also denied all received medals and awards.
"Now, the capital of Spain is free from the glorification of dictators," - said the representative of the Left in the City Council of Madrid, Milagros Hernández.
In 2007, the Spanish government issued a decree to rename the street named in honor of the dictator, the elimination of monuments and memorial boards dedicated to him and his associates. The last monument to Franco, was dismantled in the city of Melilla, in March 2009.
At the same time in Spain continues to operate the Fund of Francisco Franco, who fought for the restoration of abandoned statues of the dictator.
General Francisco Franco came to power in 1936 through a military coup, which resulted in the Spanish civil war started between the putschists - supporters pravoradikalnyh views - and the leftist government-supported countries. The war ended in 1939, the victory of the troops of Francisco Franco and the establishment of the country's dictatorial fascist regime. During World War II, working with Germany and Italy, Spain, however, officially maintained a military neutrality.
Franco ruled the country until his death in 1975. All this time in Spain continued repression against members of leftist parties.

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