Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Czech Jewish cemetery desecrated.

To the east of the Czech Republic vandals desecrated the old Jewish cemetery, the Associated Press, referring to the representative of the Jewish community, the country Yaroslava Klenovskogo.
According to him, the incident occurred on June 28, Sunday, at the cemetery in the small town of Ostrog Uherské, 280 kilometers from Prague. As a result of the actions of hooligans 63 gravestones (a total of 300) were reversed, some burial sites have been divided.
Klenovsky said that the cemetery was opened in 1862 and now it does not perform the burial. Investigation of the circumstances surrounding the incident took police. Does the investigation the suspects were reported.
The Agency notes that the cemetery was desecrated in the day when the Czech Republic held a meeting with the survivors of the Holocaust of Jews, members of the Jewish community, as well as government representatives in more than 50 countries around the world.
At a meeting held in Prague on the question of whether the effective efforts made by the return of property and valuables stolen by the Nazis during the Second World War to their rightful owners or heirs.

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