Saturday, March 28, 2009

Britain imposes direct rule on its overseas territories.

Great Britain intends to impose direct rule on its overseas territories - the Turks and Caicos Islands, reports AFP. At this step the British government decided to go after the local authorities were implicated in corruption scandal loud.

The question of the imposition of direct rule by the Turks and Caicos Islands before the British Parliament, it is planned that the legislators consider it until the end of March.

If Parliament gives its consent, the Government and the Assembly (Parliament) Turks and Caicos will be dissolved, and the management of overseas territory will be fully transferred to the British Governor. Direct management of the Turks and Caicos United Kingdom plans to introduce at least two years.

Facts massive corruption among the local authorities have been discovered during the investigation, which began in July 2008. The results of the investigation were presented to the British Government in early 2009.

Turks and Caicos Islands that make up the archipelago of the Bahamas, have the right to choose their own government and parliament since 1976. Britain was ready to give the islands independence, but they decided to retain the status of Overseas Territory.
The islands are some 32 thousand people, most of whom were British subjects. The main income of the Turks and Caicos bring tourism and offshore zones.

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