Saturday, March 28, 2009

The number of victims of a dam break in Indonesia rose to 77 people.

The number of victims of a dam break in Indonesia has reached 77 people, more than 100 unaccounted for, reports Associated Press referring to the data rescue of the country.
As of Saturday morning, March 28, the water in the flooded areas receded, but the streets were still brought water sludge, felled trees and debris left by the destruction of hundreds of homes.
In rescue work, ongoing since the accident, involving members of emergency services, police and armed forces of Indonesia, as well as local residents. Some of them, the authorities blame in the incident, which did not take the necessary measures to prevent what happened, knowing that the dam is in need of repair.
Recall breakthrough dam on the outskirts of Jakarta, occurred on the night of Friday. Built in 1933, the dam could not bear the pressure of water level which has risen as a result of seasonal heavy rains. Formed after the break wave height of about three meters, destroyed several suburban areas of capital of Indonesia.
The Ministry of Public Works stated that in fact happened to be investigated.

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