Sunday, March 29, 2009

Iranians help the North Korean missile launch.

Iranian experts will help North Korea to launch ballistic missiles, writes British newspaper The Times on Sunday, March 29, with reference to the Japanese media.
Reported that as early as March 2009 a delegation from Tehran in the number of 15 people arrived in North Korea to help North Korean experts in launching the missiles, presumably class Thephodong-2. According to Japanese media, the Iranian delegation comprises senior officials of the company Shahid Hemmat Industrial Group - Iranian producer of missiles and space satellites.
As noted by The Times, the Iranians handed over to North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il a letter from Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, in which Iranian President stressed the need for continued cooperation with North Korea in the field of space technology.
Recall Pyongyang argues that in the period from 4-8 April 2009, North Korea returns to the Earth's orbit telecommunications satellite Kvanmenson-2, but the representatives of South Korea, the United States and Japan have repeatedly expressed fears that Pyongyang will conduct tests ballistic missiles capable of carrying nuclear warhead. Note that according to the UN Security Council resolution, North Korea has no right to conduct such tests.
As reported in Sunday, March 29, AFP, referring to sources in the government of South Korea, space satellites have made a few pictures of nose North Korean missiles already on the launch site. Source agency reported that the images do not allow for a clear conclusion about what the object suffer booster: a satellite or a warhead.

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