Wednesday, March 25, 2009

In the capital of Serbia, demonstrators clashed with police.

Serbian police on Tuesday evening, detained 24 participants riots in Belgrade during the events in honor of the 10-year anniversary of the start of NATO bombing, the Associated Press.

Several dozen participants in a rally in memory of the victims of NATO bombing, which took place in the center of Belgrade, showed aggression towards the police, ensuring the rule of law in the event. As a result of police and demonstrators injured five people, including two law enforcement officers.

In addition, witnesses told AP the incident on Tuesday evening, several young men broke the window of restaurant McDonald's in the central part of the capital of Serbia.

Events in Belgrade on March 24 took place under heavy police guard, which was designed to prevent a recurrence of riots that took place on Feb. 21, 2008 during a demonstration to protest against the self-independence for Kosovo. Then the demonstrators smashed embassies of countries supporting Kosovo, the foreign shops and restaurants.

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