Monday, March 30, 2009

British 'spiderman' sentenced to six months jail in Hong Kong.

Tridtsatitrehletny Briton Matt Pearce (Matt Pearce), known as' spiderman 'in Hong Kong was sentenced to six months in prison for a protest against human rights violations in China, he held on the opening day of the Beijing Olympics 8 August 2008, reports AFP.
Then change into costume horse Pierce deployed in the world's largest suspension bridge Tsinma two banners reading "We want human rights and democracy" and "People in China do not want to oppression." To suppress the human rights of action the police had temporarily blocked the traffic on the bridge, which, according to authorities, greatly complicating the transport situation in Hong Kong.
Matt Pearce was named the "spiderman", once in 2005 to suit the popular character, he climbed to the top of a giant TV screen set in the heart of Hong Kong. Pierce has launched a poster demanding justice for the victims of brutal repression of student performances at the Beijing Tiananmen Square. The incident occurred on the eve of the anniversary events. For this action, which paralyzed traffic in the city center, Pierce has not been punished.
In 2008, Pierce, who last worked as school teacher in the British city of Bristol, received a conditional sentence for that pereodevshis the horse tried to take part in races held in Hong Kong. Then at trial, he stated that it has become a model for the British suffragette Emily Davidson. Protest against the inequality of women, she threw herself under a horse race in the King of Great Britain in 1913, and died.
Despite the harsh, in his opinion, the verdict, while Pierce has promised to continue fighting for the rights of the Chinese inventing new extravagant ways to protest.
One of the leading financial centers Hong Kong became part of the PRC in 1997, after the termination of its lease by Great Britain. In the framework of the Chinese Government rate of "one country - two systems" territory for 50 years granted broad autonomy.
During the preparation and holding of the Olympic Games in Beijing in many countries around the world have been protests of human rights defenders. Greatest resonance and scandal known numerous attempts to extinguish the Olympic flame during the traditional relay, for the completion of which had to take unprecedented security measures. March 27, 2009 International Olympic Committee canceled a worldwide relay. The Olympic flame will now carry only in the territory of the host country of the Olympics.

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