Thursday, March 26, 2009

Otsidevshego by mistake 27 years of the British hit by a car.

KommentariiTorzhestvo spravedlivosti20.03.2009Britanets spent 27 years on oshibkeBritanets Sean Hodgson (Sean Hodgson), otsidevshy by mistake 27 years in prison, he had to hold his first post-liberation weekend in the hospital. On Saturday, March 21, he was hit by a car. The car struck a taxi Hodgson a rear-view mirror at a time when he was going to move one of the busy streets of London, reports The Daily Mail.
Doctors have placed on the injured person a few scars. His lawyer said that the incident showed how difficult it is the man who for so many years spent in an enclosed space to adjust to life at large, but especially in London.
Hodgson court sentenced to life imprisonment in 1982. He was found guilty of murdering and raping 22-year-old barmaid. In March 2009, examination with the help of DNA analysis has determined that survived in the samples of semen did not belong to Hodgson. March 18, the decision of the Court of Appeal, he was released from prison.
According to the publication, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Great Britain believes that Hodgson should receive compensation of 500 thousand pounds sterling. However, the victim of a miscarriage of justice will bring another case against Judicial Service Examination (Forensic Science Service, FSS).
Hodgson believes that his release could take place as early as 1998, when DNA analysis was already available to forensic experts. Gross error or negligence was the cause of FSS staff that Hodgson spent in prison, ten "extra" years. At the request of counsel Hodgson for a re-examination FSS said then that in the not preserved the necessary materials.

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